
Artist Spotlight – Belinda Longsden – Wolverhampton

Belinda’s Kalediscopes and Starbursts

Belinda’s vibrant kaleidoscopic images are created using brushstrokes or collage. They create an optical illusion and appear to move due to the colours and composition used. Her ‘starburst’ artwork include a vast range of colours, techniques and finish accumulating into a blended colour explosion.

Wolverhampton’s motto ‘Out of the darkness cometh light’ perfectly fits with Belinda’s Kaleidoscope pattern artworks. The psychedelicdecoupage motifs metamorphosize, building up a narrative which reflects the everyday variety of vibrant Wolverhampton folk which personifies its motto.

We couldn’t be happier to include the wide range of artworks from Belinda, each of her pieces looking unique and lending themselves to the vacant unit format perfectly. Creating illusions that draw you in as you walk past, stop or interact with each of the windows.

Find out more about Belinda, her experience with art and the Street Stories project in our spotlight interview.

Belinda encapsulates Street Stories perfectly, helping artists to spread their message and artwork in new spaces to the general public who might normally avoid art galleries and installations for fear of being wrong.  We took Belinda’s stunning explosions of colour and made her an Augmented animation to match her style, bringing each piece into kaleidoscopic visuals, fireworks, and more.

View Belinda’s work at belindamarialongsden.com

If you’re an artist and think your city or town’s high street could use a boost from fantastic artwork like Belinda’s, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch or follow us on social media. You’ll be the first to know if we open submissions for your town. And if you support the project, the coverage could snowball into your city joining the Street Stories movement across the UK.